Shifa Home Health Care
Based on quality standards and gaining experience learning from our work with dozens of partners, Shifa Home Health Care assists counties, communities, and organizations in developing strategic and tailored solutions for ending homelessness. Shifa contributes its valuable expertise, extensive network, and informed and unbiased perspective to our work at the beginning of a community’s efforts to end homelessness. In our experience, if a solution doesn’t work within your community or your organization, it simply will not work for individuals in your community who are experiencing homelessness.
Mission Statement
We strive to provide disadvantaged people access to individualized care and housing. We are ready to meet the specific requirements of each person we serve, thanks to our access to local resources and a staff that is skilled and compassionate. We continue to do the work that many individuals deserve to receive. Our staff and community resources are amongst the most hardworking and passionate individuals.
Vision Statement
We envision a community where disadvantaged individuals receive care and support from the communities in which they live in. They will have access to the help and programs they are in need of and receive this assistance from honest and passionate individuals.
Why we do, what we do.